You’’ll remember your vacation in Sicily forever. Find information about long-distance hikes in our Travel Guide and be sure to add your own content by using our Route Planner to publish and share your best routes with others.
Maps and trails
The most beautiful long-distance hikes in Sicily
Long-Distance Hiking
· Italy
Sentiero Italia
recommended route
6,057.3 km
2049:10 h
300,000 m
300,000 m
PLEASE NOTE: This version of Sentiero Italia is updated to 2022, go here to check out the latest version: Sentiero Italia CAI - Official Map.
The longest long-distance hiking trail in the world is getting a revival – on the Sentiero Italia, Italy shows itself in all its diversity. With stamina and a lot of wanderlust, you will get to the most beautiful places in the country!
Long-Distance Hiking
· Italy
E1 auf Sizilien
recommended route
377.8 km
110:19 h
7,512 m
7,498 m
Teilweise ausgeschildeter Weg. Es gibt einige Stellen wo der Weg vor einem Zaun endet der der Weg ist zugewachsen. Sehr abechsungsreich mit vielen Natur- und Kultur-Highlights.
Long-Distance Hiking
· Italy
Meer zu Berg - Ionisches Meer zum Monte Etna / Ätna
recommended route
84 km
35:00 h
4,421 m
3,721 m
Sea to summit - vom Meer zum Gipfel: mit nackten Füßen am Wasser starten, durch Hafen, Städte, Dörfer, Wälder wandern… auf Pfaden hinauf zum Vulkangipfel. Los geht´s!
Diese anspruchsvolle Mehrtagestour führt dich und deinen Rucksack über 3 steile intensive Wandertage von Riposto - dem Startpunkt am Mittelmeer, mit Schritt & Tritt wirklich jeden Höhenmeter hinauf zum 3.323m hohen Gipfel & Kratern des Monte Etna. Ätna - der höchste aktive Vulkan Europas.
Long-Distance Hiking
· Italy
Anello Dinnammare - Rometta - San Calorio - Dinnammare 27/02/21
30.3 km
11:48 h
1,423 m
1,427 m
Percorso ad anello molto accattivante con dislivelli più che accentuati. Ambientazioni uniche e suggestive. 8h totali con due pause. Lo consiglio solo ad esperti o a chi si vuole mettere in sfida con se stesso.
Ps: Io l’ho completato in solitaria!
Long-Distance Hiking
· Italy
Rocca Salvatesta (Novara di Sicilia) 7 gennaio 2023
3.2 km
1:30 h
449 m
6 m
Rocca Novara (Rocca Salvatesta)
Long-Distance Hiking
· Italy
Pantelleria - Anello Montagna Grande - Da Siba alla Vetta
5.4 km
1:25 h
453 m
77 m
Riserva Naturale Orientata Isola di Pantelleria - Kúddia Mída - Montagna Grande
Long-Distance Hiking
· Italy
Pantelleria - Anello Montagna Grande - Dalla Vetta a Siba
4.7 km
0:56 h
0 m
367 m
Riserva Naturale Orientata Isola di Pantelleria - Montagna Grande
Long-Distance Hiking
· Italy
Anello Monte Scuderi
22.9 km
7:49 h
1,011 m
1,000 m
Con questo percorso avrete modo di essere richiamati dal monte per arrivare alla sua cima.
Long-Distance Hiking
· Italy
Montagna Grande (1^ parte) - 07 mag 2019 16:52:11
5.3 km
2:05 h
444 m
98 m
Percorso medio a tratti impegnativo.
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Sentiero Italia by Klaus
September 30, 2022
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Outdooractive Editors